Wednesday, January 20, 2016


As I climbed the translucent steps, I felt as if I were in a 1940's M.G.M. musical.  In my mind, I was on a staircase to heaven, with chorus girls in feathery gowns and snazzy guys in tuxedos dancing each tread.

But this was no Hollywood scene. I was at the Apple Store on Chicago's Michigan Avenue, on my way to a 10 a.m. workshop, when I paused to spy on the action below.  About two-dozen young people in red logo t-shirts stood quietly while their leader addressed them. As I watched, my mood sagged. Why can't that be me, I thought.

My self-pity was not far-fetched because I had indeed been one of them. The year was 2010; I was 72. And after a hiring event at the Old Orchard store, where I had shone in role-playing and interviews, I became a part-time specialist.

"I can't believe it," I said in a three-way call to my daughters. I was about to enter the inner sanctum where my first orientation was to take place, and gushed as if I were an Oscar winner: "I'm surrounded by Macs!"

After I completed the training and joined the team, I scooted the sales floor in my own logo t-shirt and name tag. And despite being the age of my fellow employees' grandmothers, I felt at-home. I joshed with peers as we gathered for our own morning meetings. I excelled at calming older customers who feared technology. And I shared in the excitement of new product launches.

"How can you stand the noise?" I remember my friend Ruth asking on the occasions we'd meet on my lunch hour. I'd look around to view the staff chatting with customers, and realize I had absorbed these sales talks, plus the blares of computers, and heard a symphony rather than a din.

"What noise?" I'd say.

Naturally, I had experiences that weren't favorable. Two have stayed with me. In the first, I was advising a young man on the model of computer that I believed fit his needs. As I pointed out its advantages, he stood with his arms crossed and his face dour. When he wasn't scowling, he was searching the store.

Frustrated, I said, "Is there something wrong? You don't seem pleased with my selection."

"You don't know what you're talking about," he said, "I want someone else."

My reaction was midway between fury and tears. I stifled both and sought out a replacement. As I lingered in the background, I heard my fellow Apple worker recommend the very same Mac. My nemesis clapped him on the back and said, "Perfect." I shook my head and whispered, Asshole.

The second blunder was more serious. I had sold headphones to a middle-aged man. For certain small transactions, cash registers were in drawers that sprung out from beneath a display table. "Please stand back," I'd joke to customers, "these can be lethal."

While others laughed, this man reacted differently. "Is it because I'm black?" he said. "If I were white, would you have told me to stand back? Did you want me far from the cash?"

I was mortified. How did my wisecrack go so wrong? I apologized over and over, as wrought as if I had just totaled his car. Eventually, he was mollified and we completed the purchase. We shook hands and he left the store. But I worried he would file a complaint. With my heart beating and hands shaking, I sought out my floor manager. "That's unfortunate," he said, "but I'm glad you gave me a heads-up."

As far as I know, that customer generously forgave me and never tattled. Now I wonder if the incident affected any chance I had of ever being hired again. For recently, I applied for the same part-time specialist job, but instead of Old Orchard, I chose the Michigan Avenue store, walking distance from my apartment.

After a hiring event in September of 2015, I received a, "Sorry, we're going in a different direction," email. Did I lose the opportunity because I quit my first Apple job after less than six months to be closer to home as Tommy declined? Or, did my former floor manager -- who was now part of the Michigan Ave. crew -- recall the drawer debacle and shut me out? Perhaps, it was just that HR had their pick of hundreds of other candidates who were younger, taller, and smarter than I?

"It's probably for the best," I said to my daughters in another three-way call. "At my age, it'd be tough to stand on my feet for eight hours."

I lied.


  1. It's hard to stand on your feet all day at any age! That's such a true-to-life story about the man and the joke....I think we've all been in the situation where we said something that was misconstrued and it's always devastating.

    I share your love of the Mac world, though. I'm typing this on my first and probably only Macbook....2009 edition. I have loved the hell out of it and it's gotten me through three books and countless articles. Unfortunately, the new ones cost more than I make from writing in a year. :)

  2. Apple's loss for not hiring you....wish you had been there when I bought my first Mac. We know the youngsters can navigate this arena with ease but are befuddled by the vast array of options. So, go back and find out what it takes to join their team because the over 60 shoppers will love you!

    1. I agree with thnkgwmn. Plenty of older customers encounter Apple red shirts who condescend to explain the technology they should be eager to sell, but an age-appropriate rep would ease the transaction, especially someone with your social as well as tech skills.

  3. Oh, Elaine. Isn't it unfortunate that it takes two negative incidents to scar and scare our self esteem. We will never know why you didn't get the job, but I have to use that old saying, "things happen for a reason." Take it from me, standing for 6+ hours is painful and thankless. You are needed elsewhere, and we love you for it. You are a wonderful writer, writing coach, and I imagine a terrific tech coach. Keep up the great work!

  4. Hi Elaine. As someone who cannot stop making with the yocks, I too have occasionally rubbed someone the wrong way. If 99 out of a hundred people are not offended, I'm not going to worry about the poor humorless bastard who would rather try to put me on the defensive than laugh at my delightfully witty banter. As to the Michigan Avenue Apple store, their loss! And maybe the gain of a Gold Coast Senior Center. Take care.

  5. Thanks, Jan! I do teach tech to seniors at the Cultural Center and will be doing sessions for Mather Cafe. And I'm exploring more in that direction. Thanks for your support!

  6. Elaine - I picked up my first new macbook (eee, several months later I'm still thrilled with it) several months ago and the woman who checked me out was severely disfigured. I remember thinking that it was great that Apple was so inclusive with their hiring. Your story contradicts that and is disappointing. And as a woman who just turned 50, I have already experienced exclusive hiring based on age (as well as socially, of course). So...I'm sorry. I do think it's their loss for not (re)hiring you, and that's not just a platitude. -Amy

  7. Hi Amy, thanks for writing. I do think Apple tries to be inclusive. I don't blame them for not hiring me. Gratefully, I have other options to teach tech. Best, Elaine

  8. Their loss -- of course. It's not you -- it's them. That said, you might want to approach them about teaching tech to their 60+ customers -- as a consultant and not as a "sales team member".
